Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shitty weather..

..means shitty mood.. woke up at eight by ma alarm, a meowing cat and a dog tap dancing on my face..did not want to wake up at all.. and then i looked outside and it is all just gray and boring today.. No beach in the afternoon as I had planned.. have been skyping with my bestis Vickan in Sweden all morning, that made things a little better... or a lot!
Have to get my self together and go pick up Emilia for a hike! I really don't feel like it! 
much Love

1 comment:

  1. We set up a chair for you and the " Big boy" bean bag if you would beem yourself to that one instead, and made a extra pizza slice for you!!! So you where with us in ours minds all evening!
    I even fell asleep when watching the movie like you always do!


