Sunday, May 30, 2010

Later that night..

Went to James Beach with Carro to meet up with my Mikey. You still look good man!Im gonna come visit! Met some other people there and we moved on to the Other room and met even more people, friends of friends and friends of me and some friends of Carro and then Forrest of course..  Then I think we went to an after party and i have a week memory of painting whiskers on sleeping people.. And the amir picked us up! Oh and, Evan will be on the same flight as me to Stockholm but he has got no where to stay anymore so we need to find a couch for him and a bicycle. Vickan can you ask around?


A perfect Saturday,did great at my early morning audition,  test shot some pictures with a photographer, Beach and book, a walk through The marina, and a trip to Manhattan beach.

Friday, May 28, 2010


I Love these two! Mucho. More nights soon!!!! Bardot sucked last night, music was terrible, and I who really wanted Lina to love it since she's never been. Leon showed up. We did shots. Me and Tess have the Bracelets (did I tell that story) and me and Lina have the multi -colored nails. We are so in sync and so damn cool!

fighting cancer

KLICKA HÄR  for all of you reading this, especially you swedes, please , write your name on the letter that will be sent to our politicians, to let them know that we all have the same right to fight cancer. It should not have to do with what city you live in our how much money you have.

Child killed

Another Child killed by a pit-bull, while playing in the back yard! Surprised??
I'm getting real tired of people not learning about what kind of dogs it is that they are getting, and you guys can go on and on and on about how wonderful it is to adopt dogs, saving there life's, and yadi yadi ya.. This is what happens!
When buying from a breeder, atleast the breeder get a chance to zoom in on the new owner and know if it will be a good match, breeders know about their dogs and what it takes to raise them and live with them, and they will tell you how to do that if you are not experienced.
Sure, you will feel much better about your self when you can tell people you saved a life, but what's the difference for your dog, between being locked up in your apartment alone all day, or being in the shelter?  It will probably get more walks in the shelter..

 And now this dog, the dog that just killed a child, is in a shelter again and it "might' be put down, come on, just shoot it.. I'm sorry, the dog killed a child!What is there to discuss? Why are people in this country so soft when it comes to animals?

Perfect example:
Our new neighbour just picked up a dog from a shelter last week, she says its a terrier mix, cause it sounds better then saying it is a pitbull, which it in fact is.
First night we are all sitting outside together, I've got Denni here, our neighbours Yorkie Bella is around and of coarse ms Blanche, the white schnauzer, Venice (the pitbulls name) goes crazy over Bella, she don't know what to do with this little thing running around, she starts seeing her as something she can kill, I dont even know the dog but I can tell, she is not in to playing anymore, thank god the dog is on her leash, I tell my neighbour to pull her dog back a bit without making to much fuzz about, and she goes, -No worries as long as they are silent we do not need to worry! This is my point.
She refuses to see what kind of dog it is that she has gotten, she also have no fucking clue that it is when it's silent its getting serious, playful growl is to prefer, I try to tell her this in a nice way, she wont listen. I let her have it her way, and my dog dies.
A minute later, the dog is trying to tear our front door apart , she has seen the cats on the inside and she goes nuts, our new neighbour lets her.

She also mentions she got the dog so the dog will make her exercise, in my opinion always the wrong thing to say, if you are lazy, don't get a dog.Sure enough, I've been keeping my eye on her, the dog sits alone in the apartment from 7 am to 5-6pm every day, then she walks the dog for about 4-10 minutes, and yes, I am timing her .

The crucial thing when you have a dog of this caliber, is exercise. exercise. (which I told her)and still that is not enough,
you need knowledge about your dog, the genes, what it was bred to do. A pit bull or its American slightly bigger version  (what else), the American Stafford shire terrier was bred to kill. To go from asleep to killing mode in 0,4 seconds. without thinking twice, just strike whatever is moving in front of you.That's it's soul purpose. You need to know that when you get your dog. And you need not to deny what breed it is that you now have in your possession. That would be a good start.

Even Eva that I took care of this summer is terrier, she is a Dachs terrier mix, a tiny dog. Still she chews up the whole house when ever she is unattended, she is killing birds, why is that you think? And how do you make her stop?

 I also wanna point out the the dogs are not to blame, they are just doing what they know, it's you the owner, that are responsible for this.

And I'm afraid that soon there will be no more Bella the Yorkie running around in our yard.


I think I should get to decide who to sit next to at the wedding right?
Josefin says no.  At least I got her to tell me who she's seating me next to, and who is opposite and all around the table...  And I'm so nervous, Almost feels like I'm the one getting married. I can't wait! (for her wedding) Been thinking about my speech now for a year, still not been able to put a single word down on paper.. I don't know where to start, she's been my best friend and sister for 30 years..  there is a lot of material to pull from..And she says not to embarrass her, but I really want too, so I think i'm going too.. just need to decide with what.
I'll probably just end up embarrassing her by crying to hard and getting snort all over my face and while trying to sit back down again, ill probably miss my chair and fall on the floor and drag the table cloth down with me..

And I still cant fit in to my dress.. I will start working on that soon..

I can not wait

to get home and cuddle with these guys..

This is not a blog about Cat's either but..

I'm drunk, Pete is cuddly, but his breath is really bad
.4.11 am friday morning

No matter if its for two days or two years, it is still as hard saying good bye.. Tonight was rough. fantastic. wonderful but rough, and my heart hurts. I just never want to leave. no matter where I'm leaving from., I just can't say bye. I never know when ill see them next time..

If anyone could take me out for a movie like SATC 2 or IRONMAN 2 this weekend that would be higly appreciated..

Scary cabs

Driver did not have a drivers license, good start!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

u8 (pete wrote this,not sure what it means)

New memory card for the new camera, Check,  I was right i wasn't just being blonde, it really did not work!
I'm trying to get ready to go meet with Tess and Lina tonight, bar hopping and Bardot sessions.. and of coarse my Agent Lisa called and booked me for an audition tomorrow.. every-other water will do..

I should take it slow anyway, still feel like crap, been taking "eeze"  for 2 days and my mum just informed me i'm not supposed to drink at all after taking them..

It's taking a lot of make-up today, Betsy walked in last night and asked me how I felt, I said: -Good, I'm alright. she goes really? you look like shit.. and I think I look worse today than I did yesterday , so A lot of makeup.

Good morning, no?!

I just got ready to go for my morning hike, I had noticed that it was a bit gray and nasty outside but not that it was raining.. If I'm gonna be able to live in Sweden all summer I really need the sun to come out now! NOW! Please be sunny until I leave please..  If anyone out there can do anything about this, then please help me!

I'm planning on packing today.. but i don't think it's gonna happen..
But what i have to do is to take the camera that i bought yesterday back to SAMY'S CAMERA and fix some things, like the memory card that is not working, and make some more fun of the guy who sold it to me, he said the camera did not fit in the little bag, I said it would since it came with the camera , but I stood there watching him struggle with it for a while, trying to figure out what was wrong with it, I even let him go pick a different one up and try that, then I snatched it from him and pulled out the paper it was stuffed with and voila.. the camera did fit perfectly in there.. don't think I've ever seen a guy with such a red face ever..


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One a positive note..

On a positive note, despite me feeling like crap all day, my hair has really been on top! i wish i could have had great hair days like this all the time.

I' also decided that i want to wear a black lace full body unitard tomorrow night with my head piece if i have time to sew it back together again,so if anyone knows where I can get one..?

well, im done playing with facebook and photo booth for today, have to really sleep this off and i will see you all tomorrow in full vigor!
xo xo

Wednesday afternoon.. is not getting much better

Despite my headache and neck and jaw pain that I will whine about as much as I possibly can today because tomorrow it will be gone, I went out on the town for some errands.. bought a new camera for my parentes(parents)

and then I met my sweet little canary bird Emilia that I haven't seen in almost a week.. she had the perfect cure for me and made me feel so much better..

frozen yogurt in the tastes of: french vanilla, pistachio,chocolate, pomegranate, blueberry and gummy bears, sprinkles, those white chewy things ,m&ms, raspberries, caramel sauce, and then I regretted not putting more oreo cookies and chocolate chips in there, but it was still kind of good..

Then I got home and snuggled with Mr Pete on the couch for a while waiting for the camera battery to charge and now I've spent the last 45 seconds making sure that all the i's are in fact I's in caps so Betsy wont get so annoyed while reading this later.
I'll let you know later how my night will turn out..

emotional morning

Woke up by Betsy screaming FUUUUUUCK (someone stole her credit card and went nuts spending it all on i-tunes)and realized i had a terrible terrible headache, ..

felt lonely and miserable and stressed and a tad like Gollum

Then I spoke to my mom and some very helpful friends that made me feel like he coolest kid in town (still with a headache)

Then i discovered a muscle on my leg that i have not seen before

and that made me very happy

 now its mid day.. ill let you know how the rest of my day will turn out!


Grattis finaste Tilden!! She's 7 already, can't believe it! Time goes by way too fast! xo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The days after LOST

Auditioned for a Wii game workout thing with Mel B (Scary Spice) today, they had me do crunches and kicks and running and all that, really need the money so keep your fingers crossed.. got to catch up with some of the girls I never have time to see at the audition, we always get booked for the same jobs too.. Then I ran errands and took a hike right in the middle of the day,

And then me and Betsy had to deal with the loss of both Josh and LOST.. I still dont know what to think about that last episode. I WANT MORE is all I can say now.. anyhow, we took a tour to C&O hoping the garlic rolls that are like crack would take our minds of everything else..

Kind of helped.. but then this homeless girls started screaming at me for not wanting to give her my doggie bad, it did put me back in a state of chock for a while..

but then we met some ducks 

and walked some more at the beach

and then we walked around the canals and peeked through peoples windows until now when its bed time.  It was quite a scenic day.. 
