Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon

Just watched a beautiful interview with Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon, and as if that wasn't enough, She also sang one of her new songs and he played the piano, and it was so beautiful. .
I'm gonna have to buy her new CD today!


I put all my pennies in paper things..

then I read a book in bed

and I started my detox

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Had my morning coffee, gave the cats flea medicine and now I'm reading this! Alia has got a new blog, or maybe it is the same blog, I hope it is, but in a new place!
(for those of you who speak Swedish)

Monday, September 28, 2009


Sometimes life really sucks! Today it really does. But, even though i feel like shit, tired, drained and I fell down the stairs yesterday while moving for the 7th time since june 28th and I have no money and no jobs coming in right now and I have to find a place to stay from next week, I still don't feel like giving in and going back to Sweden. I wanna be here and I wanna do this, but why?

The Knee Knot

Me and Betsy met up with Leon and his friend Sergio at Bar Marmont on Saturday, Leon has a TV show called Amazing Adventures of a nobody, I'm pretty jealous, I would love to do that kind of thing. Or I would love to have a show where you meet "regular" people, have them let you in to there kitchen and then cook something out of whatever they have in there fridge, and the sit down and have them talk to you about there life, I think that would be so much fun! Anyway, Leon is doing the show in Australia after Christmas, I wanna convince him to bring me along,(I'd make a great co host, and I'm sure it would be easier to find somewhere to stay for me.. ) since my entire family will be there then and I cant afford to go with them.

Anyway, we had a really great night, great food, great drinks and I decided to bring the knee knot back!

At least he is trying to look somewhat cool..

We tried this..

Pretty awkward..but stylish..
And as we walked out the handsome man who runs the bar asked if that was his napkin.. seriously, its a knee knot, anyone can clearly see that..
speaks for itself.. good thing Leon's got another profession

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I fell down the stairs today when I was moving, hurt myself pretty bad. In a lot of pain, so glad I have fantastic amazing friends that could come right away and help me out! And to help me fix other practical things, am a little overwhelmed right now..
Thanks Betsy and Anna!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sweaty life

Wow, busy day yesterday, had to go by Betsy's to print my sides for the audition since they had told me there would be no sides there. One's I got there I realized i left my Head-shots and Resume's at home.
So bad.. and I always have a bunch in the car but for some reason I had taken them out of there..
Headed off for my first audition downtown, freeway jammed, forgot about Friday traffic..
Turns out the casting director had given us all the wrong street name, instead of blvd he had put ave after the street name which makes a huge difference.. so my GPS of course took me to the ave address, got there right after my AC had given up.. ( seems to do that every time it gets past 30 degrees outside, when you need it the most) and I quickly realized i was in the wrong place, Finally got there, where handed the sides they had told me they couldn't provide, boiling, late, stressed, but did a good audition anyway.
Then off to the next one in Burbank, car had now been stood out in the sun for about half hour.. leather seats.. I thought I was gonna die as I found myself again trapped on the freeway, basically not moving at all, and 42/111 degrees outside..
with make up running, hair drenched in sweat ( so were pants and t-shirt) i manged to get to my second audition on time..

Then I ran across the street to get an Iced coffee at Mc Donalds and they tell me the coffee machine is broken?

Friday, September 25, 2009


I woke up in the middle of the night, crying and with my heart racing inside my chest. I had the absolute worst nightmare I have ever had.. or i remember another one that was kind of the same from when I was a kid but I think this one tops the list! I am almost scared of saying what it was cause it was so awful but I'm gonna say it an hope that by saying it out loud it will never ever happen in real life. EVER. In my dream my parents died. It was terrible, horrible awful. And the weirdest thing is that i also dream't about there new bedroom wallpaper that I still have not seen and I hated it in the dream and my mom got so sad..

I think this is my brains way of coping with everything that I've been trying to hide in there for the past month, all the feelings that I have pushed away, and not dealt with. I think the only way for my brain to deal with the death of my Grandpa is to ambush me while I'm asleep and can't push it away!

Anyway, I got up at 7am and went for a long hike and thought about it all, and I feel a little better now, but it was so scary that I am still a little bit shaken from what my mind just did to me. Now I have to just pull my self together and get ready for my auditions that I have today!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Moving Again,

My time with Romeo is coming to an end, Carol will be back on Sunday, means I'm moving again..
I'm gonna stay with Betsy, but i can only stay there for 2 weeks so I really have to find something, have been looking like crazy for the past 2 weeks but nothing..
It's so hard when you don't have a steady income, I never know how much I'll be making from week to week.
I'm still in this "low "period, not feeling well, not doing anything fun, been in my house sick, I miss my friends.. gained weight, skin is bad and all that.. Got my new head shots today and i hated them. Not at all what I wanted!
I really wanted to go and see Moneybrother at the Viper room tonight, but I'm just gonna stay in, watch The 2 hour season premiere of Grey's Anatomy, eat Ice cream and work on my auditions for tomorrow.

Nite nite..


I went to the FAME premiere and after party last night, all the cast was there including Kelsey Grammar and Megan Mulally. We also got to see the whole cast and Naturu Naughton sing the Fame song.
But what a crap movie.
Do not waste your time watching this movie unless you are 16 or under. The casting was terrible, the pretty girl who all of the boys fight over was not so pretty, and I guess that would have been alright if she had at least had some presence or if there had been some chemistry between her and the boys but no.. it was o dead.

And the guy who wants to be a ballet dancer but fails.. oh my god that was bad. He is straight in all scenes but one, and all of a sudden he is trying to kill himself but there is no truth in any of it! So flat, And the Nr 1 dancing girl, damn, it was embarrassing seeing her dancing in front of the other dancers since they were clearly much better than her and had a presence that she did not even get close to having! THERE WHERE NO SPARKS AN NO FUN!!! And I blame it entirely on the Casting and the Director. The movie will probably make a lot of money just because its title is Fame, but it doesn't even get close to the original.. I am so disappointed.

But Naturi Naughton can certainly sing, and Asher Book certainly manage to charm me at the after party.. (I mean look at that picture..)

Another guy who tried but who wasn't as successful was Jesse Metcalfe, He wore ugly jeans.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


My Grandpas funeral is today, and again just as when my Grandma died, I am not there.. it is really really hard. I miss my family a lot! And it is really hard to think about that I will never see my grandpa again. Really weird. I will never again walk up the stairs to his house and find him in his chair in the living room watching some old black and white movie, Or sit around listening to his stories about life, hear the sound of his moped pulling up in the drive way. Or have him sneak me money when my parents aren't watching, Ha ha He still did that even after I turned 29! I'm gonna miss him for the rest of my life!

Well, over to the small things in life that makes me happy.. I just went for a hike, and I met two beautiful golden retrievers that just came running up to me, with big smiles on there faces and they where just giving love and wanted to play, and when I was done playing with them and started walking down the hill they came with me instead of going with there owner, that just made me really happy, weird and kind of silly, I know. Miss my dogs back home.

Tonight I am working at the Fame premiere for a couple of hours and If i want to I get to see the movie as well..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I ordered my detox pills today! Time to cleanse the body again! So now I am sitting here with my home made guacamole and a bag of chips.. and some chocolate.. better eat it know!I am also watching Jon and Kate + 8 even though I am a little embarrassed to admit that.. but the alternative is Melrose place and I am for sure not watching that again!

Good morning!

Read THIS with my morning coffee today.. laughing is a great way to start your day!

Monday, September 21, 2009

To Sophie


Made it myself, but the recipe is a secret..

Emmys Ikea and Potter

What a Sunday!!
Watched the Emmy's Red Carpet, then Betsy came over and we went to IKEA, She needed some new screws for her Drawer thing that I messed up while trying to put it together, while bragging about how great I am at that stuff!
Anyway, we got the screws and I got some even more necessary things, then We went to see Harry Potter and the half blood prince and I don't know what everyone has been talking about! It was Great, GREAT!!!! And just as with the Twilight stuff and The Stieg Larson Millenium movies.. you just want more!! And I want to be a wizard. I want to go to Hogwarts, I wanna learn how to brew love potions ..
And then when I got home to watch the Emmy's.. they just felt boring.

Much Love!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Being a successful blogger..

I just stole this from Sophie's blog..

A successful blogger

To be a successful blogger you must:
  • write about what you eat for breakfast (and post a picture of your half eaten sandwich and your hard boiled egg)
  • take lots of detailed professional looking photographs of your clothes and unique items in your home
  • write about how to make your own lemonade
  • write about what you did over the weekend and how interesting your job is
  • maybe try to save a cat
  • post pictures of good looking skinny people in designer clothes
  • answer questions that your blogger fans have asked you (like how you do your make-up in the morning or what your favorite color is)
I guess I'm pretty fucked...

..Well I am a little better off then Ms Sophie..

Don't make my own lemonade, I get mine from Urth Cafe' but that has to be half a point?:

I posted this. It was kind of breakfast:

I am definitely saving a cat right now, feeding him and giving him his heart medication..:

Skinny ( drunk) people in designer clothing( at least there is a designer bag in there..):

I just wrote about what I did this weekend which was both interesting and work, though extremely boring..

So now maybe the questions from my readers is the part I have to work on?


Went to the taping of CATCH 21 yesterday and I met these people..
ANT, one of my favorite gay comedians, He was extremely funny!

Judge Joe Brown, an Icon!

The girls I wanted to be like as a kid.. And they are both still really beautiful, nice charming and smart!

Uncle Phil..

And Carlton on speed..

And then there were some some Deal or No Deal girls there..but they were silly!
Shows will air in October!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I'm heartbroken.
I was just reached by some really sad news.
Anine Bing has announced that she will no longer be blogging! Is this a joke? It cant be true! I had to read it again and my world stopped! This is it!
And what now? Whats gonna happen? What am I gonna do?
What will I read with my morning coffee? Who is now gonna help me out in life, give me tips of good self helping books, where will I now find new music and beautiful art? How will I now know what to wear?
I am just.. empty. Crushed. Feel lonely already..
And I feel bad for the "spell checking numbs", who's gonna ignore them now?

Below, her farewell letter, and a last inspirational image for us all to take to heart!

Nu går jag vidare i livet...

Fina fina läsare..

Jag har nu bloggat här på Nyheter24 i 1 år och har verkligen haft det underbart kul. Det har varit det jobbigaste men ändå det bästa året i mitt liv. Många förändringar har skett, jag nådde botten och jobbade mig upp. Genom att läsa böcker om positivt tänkande, genom olika kurser och genom i att sortera ut i negativ energi som jag hade i min omgivning. Har även gjort mig av med saker och känner mig fri. Det har varit en fantastisk resa och jag känner mig som en helt ny människa idag och jag vaknar varje morgon med en sån fantastisk lyckokänsla i kroppen. Ångersten jag drogs med i många många år är nu borta och varje dag känner jag sån tacksamhet för att få leva, för att få uppleva så fantastiska saker. Jag är tacksam för alla fina vänner och tacksam för att BARAVARA.

Ibland tänker jag, att jag kanske bara inbillar mig att jag är lycklig. Men nej, lyckan fortsätter och jag är såååååå TACKSAM!

Jag har känt ett tag att en blogg inte funkar för mig just nu, jag känner behov av att få vara lite mer privat, och det blir ju lite trist för er att bara läsa om vilken smoothie jag dricker eller vilka jeans jag har på mig. Jag är inte berädd att ge 100 %, vill inte dela med mig om allt. Och då tycker jag det är bättre att ta en paus från bloggandet.

Jag kommer fortfsätta jobba med mig själv, jag kommer resa, skriva musik och jobba med allt som jag får inspiration av. Jag försvinner inte helt. Ni kan alltid höra min musik och se vad jag pysslar med HÄR .

TACK för ALLT! Ni har varit fantastiska, det har varit underbart att få skriva av mig, att få era fina komentarer. Kommer sakna er MYCKET. Men vi ses igen, vet inte var och när.. Men vi ses.

All KÄRLEK från mig, och glöm inte att allt är möjligt här i livet. Tro på dig själv och dina drömmar. Du är UNIK!

I really want to wish you good luck with your music ( you're gonna need it) and the traveling.. and the "doing everything that will inspire you" things , congrats on learning how to read, and for actually being able to fool some people that you have reached some kind of self insight, but even more so good luck in really finding it for real this time and in understanding what it actually means.. And thanks for all the laughs!

Your bad luck charm,


What is wrong with me?? I've been making fun of all the Robert Pattinson hysteria going on, but dear, I just saw Twilight and I get it now! I get it! Finally I get it! I'm in LOVE!!
LOVE!!Maybe the love is not so much for Robert, but just as Malva said to me a year ago.. I'ts about EDWARD! Oh Edward.. though I could settle for just Robert.. as long as he agrees to bite my neck ones in a while..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Still sick. no difference there.. Still I had an eventful day. Had to go and get some toilet paper and groceries, stopped by Chau and Matt that finally got back from sweden and are now my neighbors, so great to see them and the dogs, and the Swedish candy they had for me.. Center, Nappar, Cola Flaskor..So Good! Scared to stay in there for too long though, didn't wanna get them sick!Why don't they have that here?
Then I got a parking ticket , forgot to buy toilet paper and slept the rest of the afternoon!( after eating all the candy)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Swedish Hollywood Wife's

My friends Niklas and Calle where here in Los Angeles filming this show in the beginning of summer, It premiered on Swedish television yesterday, And I just watched it, and I think laughing really helped my cold.
It is about three Swedish women "making it in Hollywood" by marrying rich guys.
It is scary. But its fun to watch! Very entertaining.

They are the epitome of the stupid blonde Swedish girl, The kind of girls I laugh at with my friends (I am aware I am also a blonde.)They are the one's giving the Swedish girls in this city a bad reputation, ( we're bringing it back though)And I happen to know a few of them and they are pretty much all the same.. No matter what age.

- None of them can speak either proper Swedish or English. I know Swedes that have lived here for a lot longer then these girls, but they still know how to speak Swedish. I get that sometimes they use English words, I do it too, it is hard for your brain to switch back and forth, but my Swedish words still sound Swedish.I don't speak Swedish with an American accent at all times and I don't think I ever will. Please shoot me if i do.

- They are all from small towns. ( Eskilstuna or Sundsvall )

- They all have bad cheap extensions

- They wear ugly fake nails

- Silicon boobs (not nice and proportionate )

- Tacky clothing (they have the ability to make Manolo Blahnik's look like cheap stripper shoes)

- Obsessed with celebrities

- Dying to get a spread in Playboy

- They have all at one time or the other worked as a "waitress" or "bartender" (one or two started out as a Nanny)

- And when talking shit behind there friends back, the only thing they can think of to say is.. "well, she's fat"

I LOVE IT!!!!!

Oh no!

It didn't work!
I woke up even sicker.. 2 days in my house and I'm already bored! Alia is going shoppin, I wanna go too! Especially since I need to buy something for my photo shoot on Friday! Also plan as to eat well, exercise a lot, sleep well to look good for friday.. instead I got this. And I had fever nightmares all night, terrible!

Have to try to vacuum today, cat hair everywhere..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Sick

I'm really sick! But with some Zicam and Grey's reruns on the telly I will get through it! Also gives me time to get the green stuff out of my hair! I'm counting on being up and running again tomorrow, of course with beautiful hair..
Aim High!

Beginning of week..

Got a small part in a feature film! It is only two scenes but still..
My hair is green, tried to do something about it, it started falling out.. Having new head shots taken on Friday, It's not a great thing!
As a Swedish expert I was gonna help Betsy with her new IKEA furniture, but instead I ruined it!
Have 2 auditions today and I woke up with a really soar throat and fever.
Coffee shower and go!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday (here we go) again..

Been in a really shitty mood today! One of those days where I just feel fat and ugly and my skin is bad and my hair is bad ( it is actually green from all the chlorine in the water), and I for some reason got really really nervous at my audition so I sucked. Really sucked, and I could barely speak. It was really awkward!

And my company today have not been the most lively.. meet Romeo 18 years old..

But that is all changing now! Got a job today and Tess is on her way over here, having a few drinks by the pool and ordering dinner, then we are off to a birthday party at Bond Street!!


Friday, September 11, 2009


I'm a little tipsy.. can you tell? I went to Le petite Four for an early dinner with lovely Betsy and wonderful Corina! As usual I ate too much, but only had 2 glasses of wine but somehow I manage to get really drunk.. And I was suppose to go out but as it turns out I have an audition tomorrow so I'm gonna have to stay in, sober up and get some sleep!
Why are there no good shows on TV on Friday nights? I'm gonna watch A life Aquatic again..


I'm a grown up. I can sleep on the couch all night if I want to.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That was bad..

.. Can I have my hour back?

Melrose Place

Finally got a hold of my photographer Natalie, We have been playing phone tag for the past 2 weeks, but now I have finally booked a date for my photo shoot! Had a busy busy day today so I'm just gonna stay in tonight and eat lots of chocolate and watch the Premiere of the New "Melrose Place".. just have to see it!
xo xo

Monday, September 7, 2009


Again I only got a couple of hours of sleep, only have myself to blame.. but I am really starting to get really really tired. Had an audition for a short film Down Town, So I spent a couple of hours just trying to bring myself back to life and then trying to cover up my dark circles and puffy eyes. Had a really good audition, but instead of going home and crash on my couch as planned i found myself on the way to Betsy's house where they were having a afternoon party on the Lanai.. Great food and even better drinks! And after we sobered up enough we went to IKEA and bought some furniture for Betsy and some Kaviar and chocolate for me..


Beach during the day. Rainbow room at night. The perfect Saturday..
Sharing Pizza and beers with my LA family, Going to Bar Marmont after, just to have more of those drinks that you really don't need, Then Alia's for a Dance/ Crying party.. I cried a lot. And Danced.. and Laughed and then I cried some more.

The Girls..

The Boys.. need to work on their posing a bit:

The rabbit ears:

The Crying:

A Very long Friday

My grandpa died. I found out on Friday morning, after having only about 2 hours of sleep. Then I had to pull myself together to go and shoot a music video for a song called H.A.N.D... Have a nice day..
Didn't do too well. Then I moved, It wasn't the best Friday I've ever had.

Thursday night in venice

Went to some bar on Main street with Ace, Nathan and Emile Hirsch, then we went to the Other Room, got way too drunk, Emile refused to believe that Sweden has its own language, completely convinced that we speak either German or Danish, then we danced to the street musicians, met a crazy drunk Mexican girl, and the first thing she said to me was.." are you Swedish? I recognize your accent.."Too bad Emile had just left..
Then we went down to the beach, there was a full moon, and the tide had emptied the ocean on water, it was so beautiful...

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I had my second validation mishap in two days!

At Trader Joes's getting some groceries and the guy behind the cashier is talking to me, about the heat and other things and I'm not really listening, thinking about something else, and he aske's me something and I say what and something like my brain is fried from the heat.. too which he starts explaining how validation works? I wonder what I said or did to get him to think I didn't know that..
And I have to stand there and listen to how I am suppose to now take my validated ticket with me to my car, go straight to the car and not to the pay machine.... ( he's being really nice..) smiling still thinking ...what did I say or do..

And then I get to my car.. still thinking about this... in my car, in the parking garage where I go one's a day.. and for some reason instead of driving up and out of the parking garage I start to go down..
And now I don't know if it actually is the heat or just the blond hair colour..

Only for girls

My Lovely wonderful friend Betsy Pontz gave me a SAKS gift certificate.
SAKS is the only place where they sell the skin care products that I use, I have apparently been whining a lot about not being able to afford them and that my skin looks like shit.. ( I love getting older, I just don't want it to show) so being the marvelous person that she is, she got me a gift certificate so I can buy my creams and just shut up!

So happy as a bird, I flew over there yesterday to buy the stuff that I have been longing for, for soo long..
But, they don't carry KANEBO anymore! I was so chocked and devastated that I just left, forgetting to get my parking ticket validated, and the guy by the exit tried to make me pay $3.50 for my 2 minute parking or I had to park again, walk inside and get thet stupid stamp on my ticket.. Well, poor guy, I let all my frustration out on him and he let me out of the garage..

So I just wanna say, I'm sorry for taking it out on you parking guy, hope we can be friends again, cause I'm coming back today to find myself a new brand..

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Eyes Wide Shut

I was gonna write something but I'm too tired now, can't kee[ my eyes open any longer..

Goodnight, or Godmorgon for those of you that will be getting up by now..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

at 6 pm

18.00 6pm 31.0 Celsius 89.6 Fahrenheit

This is where you find me..

OK, to clear up the moving situation, since I get a lot of questions about it.. This is how it just happens..

When I first got here I stayed with Lukas and Tobias, but they where moving so we had to be out of there on a Saturday the 27th, and before I even had a chance to look for someplace to stay Carro calls me and asks if I want to rent her place for a month,While she is in Sweden, moving in on Saturday 27th..

So I did, but then I needed someplace to stay when that month was up, and Chau asked me if I wanted to stay in her place and help out with the dogs for 2 weeks while they are in Sweden ..

And then I'm looking for another place to stay after those 2 weeks, I have to move out on the 17th, and then Betsy calls and tells me that Linnea is moving out on the 17th and I can come stay there if I want too.. but I have to have somewheer to stay after those two weeks..

So.. Chau tells me they have to stay in Sweden for another 2 weeks so I can move back in to her place on the 30th but have to be out by the 14th..

And then when I get there on the 30th dragging my suitcases in, Chau's neighbor Carol asks me if I want to stay in her apartment and feed her cat while she is going on a cruise.. I can move in on the 14th..

And the she called me this morning so I will actually be moving in there on Friday already and stay until the 27th..

And then if nothing else comes up I will probably crash Betsy's place for a while..

Its funny how things just happen.. I'm gonna stop worrying so much!
And start to really show my friends how much I appreciate them helping me out! I'm so lucky to have all these people in my life!

That's it.
