Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was casted in John Mayer 's new music video.. it is for the song Half of My Heart, so yesterday i got up at 4.45 am and headed out to highland park, sooo tired,  after all the crazy partying and crazy night with betsy trying to stuff myself into my dresses, not one of them will zip up..
 Our fab director P.R BROWN

First scenes we shot were for a wedding where John's been stood up by his bride... ( I tried to get in as the re-bound girl.. but they weren't having it)and we were in a house called the rock house, it's built all by hand it it had a chapel, a beautiful court yard, and a dungeon with a cell.. I so regret not taking any pictures but in between takes I had to much fun with everyone and i got a little busy eating.. so much good food and doughnuts.. brownies.. so I forgot.. Then while john was singing inside of a bar, I was hanging out with these guys, I laughed so hard all day, one of them looks like a perfect mix between Justin Bieber and Robert Pattinson and we never ran out of jokes about it .. poor thing..
Then we shot some stuff in the streets, John coming out of a bar getting in a cab, I tried to share it with him but he left me on the street.. he is really tall by the way.. and pretty.. but i liked him better when he was scruffier,  And then some him walking down the street singing and me walking by over and over and over again.. then i had some burritos and more brownies.. Then our fabulous set designer and shopper Humberto gave me all the set Gossip and what had been said about my mini dress and legs.. Ha ha , too many guys and not enough girls on set.., And then All I wanted to do was to go home to bed (since John locked himself in his trailer and refused to talk to me) but It was Anine's last night out so she convinced me to go home and slap on some  fresh clothes and head out for dinner at East with the Norwegian Snow board crew and then some dancing at My house..

ok, that was it for now..


  1. Oh Hun, YOU HAVE TOO MUCH FUN!!!!
    I wish I right now just lived in LA and could join you on all these adventures and crazy party nights... Toronto is a bit lame right now and I really need to surround my self with more happy chickitas like you ;-).
    I'm seriously when will you be back from Sweden in LA? I will come and visit you!

  2. This is very random --- but I ran across your blog while looking for info on Humberto (looking for his last name!). Consequently I also live in Highland Park! Small world. :) I'm the artist who designed that metal wall sculpture he chose to hang behind John as he's sitting and playing guitar. Looks like a blast.

  3. wow, thats a coinsidence, And I really liked that piece, Humberto gave me his name so I could find him on facebook but I never did and now ive forgotten his last name, but i think it was Garcia.. try that! i can find it out for you! And it was a fun shoot!

