Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hooked on stats

I know that this is an extremely boring blog. I'm nothing but sick and in bed all the time.. And yesterday when i actually did something interesting (or well, actually what i did was pretty boring)and there were a really cool person there I couldn't take pictures and show you! I got paid to watch Serena Williams play tennis and drink Gatorade yesterday..
And I got to hang out with Corina. I haven't known her for that long and I really don't know her well, but

And today i am doing laundry and cleaning, Allison is driving up from San Diego today and we are cooking for and making desserts tonight to bring with us to Betsy's Aunt and uncle in thousand oak's tomorrow, big Thanksgiving party there..

And also instead of blogging I am spending all my time looking at the STAT COUNTER, Ms Mellby wrote about it on her blog and I had to get it..
So now im sitting here tracking all m blog readers ha ha, or I cant see exactly who is reading the blog but I see all the different cities and countries and I realized that I have a lot more readers than i thought.. And I see that a lot of you that I don't even know keep coming back to read it daily even though i write about absolutely nothing, I mean I understand that My friends and family in Järna and Stockholm will, they kind of have too.. And Sophie in London and and so on.. but the rest of you? France, Spain, Denmark, and everyone else in the United Kingdom and Austria, Holland, Israel, Brazil and all the people in America, And there are so many of you..

Now I feel guilty and that I should try harder to make it more exiting, But I'm not gonna..
This is My Blog and my life and right now, this is all there is too it. It's winter, It's slow, I'm depressed and sick, broke and bored.

So Thank you for being there for me..

Much Love!


  1. Tell me... tell me.. tell me about it! Va e det for nagot och hur far man en sadan? Vill ocksa se om jag har nagra coola lasare fran spanien, Israel och Brazil.... =)

  2. Jag gillar att läsa din blogg! it's not boring at all!

  3. ja beratta vilken stat counter du har!! vill oxa ha! x

  4. jag fattade inte heller forst, men kolla pa sidan dar star detvisitors path och en massa annat kul att klicka pa

