Friday, May 28, 2010

Child killed

Another Child killed by a pit-bull, while playing in the back yard! Surprised??
I'm getting real tired of people not learning about what kind of dogs it is that they are getting, and you guys can go on and on and on about how wonderful it is to adopt dogs, saving there life's, and yadi yadi ya.. This is what happens!
When buying from a breeder, atleast the breeder get a chance to zoom in on the new owner and know if it will be a good match, breeders know about their dogs and what it takes to raise them and live with them, and they will tell you how to do that if you are not experienced.
Sure, you will feel much better about your self when you can tell people you saved a life, but what's the difference for your dog, between being locked up in your apartment alone all day, or being in the shelter?  It will probably get more walks in the shelter..

 And now this dog, the dog that just killed a child, is in a shelter again and it "might' be put down, come on, just shoot it.. I'm sorry, the dog killed a child!What is there to discuss? Why are people in this country so soft when it comes to animals?

Perfect example:
Our new neighbour just picked up a dog from a shelter last week, she says its a terrier mix, cause it sounds better then saying it is a pitbull, which it in fact is.
First night we are all sitting outside together, I've got Denni here, our neighbours Yorkie Bella is around and of coarse ms Blanche, the white schnauzer, Venice (the pitbulls name) goes crazy over Bella, she don't know what to do with this little thing running around, she starts seeing her as something she can kill, I dont even know the dog but I can tell, she is not in to playing anymore, thank god the dog is on her leash, I tell my neighbour to pull her dog back a bit without making to much fuzz about, and she goes, -No worries as long as they are silent we do not need to worry! This is my point.
She refuses to see what kind of dog it is that she has gotten, she also have no fucking clue that it is when it's silent its getting serious, playful growl is to prefer, I try to tell her this in a nice way, she wont listen. I let her have it her way, and my dog dies.
A minute later, the dog is trying to tear our front door apart , she has seen the cats on the inside and she goes nuts, our new neighbour lets her.

She also mentions she got the dog so the dog will make her exercise, in my opinion always the wrong thing to say, if you are lazy, don't get a dog.Sure enough, I've been keeping my eye on her, the dog sits alone in the apartment from 7 am to 5-6pm every day, then she walks the dog for about 4-10 minutes, and yes, I am timing her .

The crucial thing when you have a dog of this caliber, is exercise. exercise. (which I told her)and still that is not enough,
you need knowledge about your dog, the genes, what it was bred to do. A pit bull or its American slightly bigger version  (what else), the American Stafford shire terrier was bred to kill. To go from asleep to killing mode in 0,4 seconds. without thinking twice, just strike whatever is moving in front of you.That's it's soul purpose. You need to know that when you get your dog. And you need not to deny what breed it is that you now have in your possession. That would be a good start.

Even Eva that I took care of this summer is terrier, she is a Dachs terrier mix, a tiny dog. Still she chews up the whole house when ever she is unattended, she is killing birds, why is that you think? And how do you make her stop?

 I also wanna point out the the dogs are not to blame, they are just doing what they know, it's you the owner, that are responsible for this.

And I'm afraid that soon there will be no more Bella the Yorkie running around in our yard.

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