I think this obsession with buying Christmas gifts is a little bit too much!
I mean seriously, we as grown ups, do we really need other grown ups to buy things for us???
I know it is a nice gesture and all, but when you are over 2o and you write a wish list I think it is being a bit ego. You are obviously old enough to work and make your own money i;e buy things for yourself.
If you buy something for your spouse, that's one thing, or the closest family, but even then why wish for or buy expensive things?
It is just an exchange of money. It is a bit ridiculous, And even worse, the people that give you money in an envelope for Christmas? Why? (Not talking about the grand parents here )
Also I think a lot of people these days buy gifts to each other not because they want to give but because they feel like they have to, or because they wanna show us how generous they are, and then how fun is it to receive?
I say give that money to Cancer research or to children in the world dying from not having clean water to drink or that are dying from Malaria, Or the one's without somewhere to live or someone to love them. A couple of dollars will do!
And give your loved one's something more important, some Love and a home cooked meal, and a bit of your time instead.
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