I'm gonna be the last one leaving this city.. no one to drive me to LAX, and the last one to come back. wih no one to pick me up either. May not be a big thing but its always nice to feel that yu have someone that cares enough to see you off or pick you up.. especially the coming back part, it's always tough. This will be my 3rd time coming back (unless you count the very first one in 2004) when I will be coming back with no one to pick me up and no where to live?? first time was after me and Dan broke up, I think may 2007, then again in June 2009 and now, in January.. so why do i do this again?????????????????????? I really don't mind flying, but when you are coming back to a state of nothing, the trip is not so exciting.. I never want to land cause i hate the feeling of having to deal with all that stuff.
One more thing:
I spoke to Josefin today and she said she had a hard time following and understanding what is going on with me over here.. and I apologize for being unclear. I just leave a lot of stuff out and then I jump into it now and then, and most of the time I have talked to someone of you about it and i guess I just assume that you are all gonna get what I am talking about, but since this little thing that we call my blog is here for you to follow it all so I wont always have to make 300 phone calls( even though I would prefer that but can not afford it) ..If i am not making any sense, please please let me know! I also wanna get one of those translating things so I can write in Swedish and you English speaking people will get the translation but I have not had time to figure out how to do that.
Cause even though this helps me a lot, just to write about things, just for me, I also realized lately that there are many of you out there reading this thing and I want you all to understand it and if not enjoy i,t at least make you feel like you are not wasting your time as much!
If there are things that you want me to write more about, please let me know!!!!!! things not to write about I can't really help you with as much, ill just write what I'll write and that's it!
OK, If i get in bed within the next 30 minutes I might be asleep within an hour and that will give me 5,5 hours of sleep, if the cats will behave so goodnight ya'll.
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