Wednesday, October 14, 2009

92 Chrashes and one audition

Drizzle and Fog
Feels Like
Updated: Oct 14 03:25 p.m. PT

Well that was that audition.. probably won't get it as the girl before we was great and a close friend to the casting director, and by the way, he was great too, he did a little interacting, usually they just sit and read behind the camera, so that was fun! More of those please!

The thing that's not suppost to happen happened, I got out of the audition and phone started beeping, I had 2 voice mails, both from last night, one was a call back for an audition, and I missed it! Im so mad, I was at home all night working on my audition, no missed calls or nothing, so something must have happened or if they both called at the exact same time so they both just got my answering machine.. and the other message was from my agent, thats really important too, she had emailed me as well though so I still got what I needed but still??

Because of the rain, there has been 92 car crashes since yesterday. 92. maybe It's time to start a proper driving school and make people do proper driving tests and teach them about the physics of rubber against water.
On the news they tell people to drive slow, but not once mentioning that maybe keeping a bit of a distance to the car in front of you might help a little as well.

And I feel sorry for all of the people who live in the fire areas, now they are getting hit by mud slides instead because of that all the trees are gone!

Now I'm gonna have some blueberry scones and hot chocolate and then get back to work!

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