My friends Niklas and Calle where here in Los Angeles filming this show in the beginning of summer, It premiered on Swedish television yesterday, And I just watched it, and I think laughing really helped my cold.
It is about three Swedish women "making it in Hollywood" by marrying rich guys.
It is scary. But its fun to watch! Very entertaining.
They are the epitome of the stupid blonde Swedish girl, The kind of girls I laugh at with my friends (I am aware I am also a blonde.)They are the one's giving the Swedish girls in this city a bad reputation, ( we're bringing it back though)And I happen to know a few of them and they are pretty much all the same.. No matter what age.
- None of them can speak either proper Swedish or English. I know Swedes that have lived here for a lot longer then these girls, but they still know how to speak Swedish. I get that sometimes they use English words, I do it too, it is hard for your brain to switch back and forth, but my Swedish words still sound Swedish.I don't speak Swedish with an American accent at all times and I don't think I ever will. Please shoot me if i do.
- They are all from small towns. ( Eskilstuna or Sundsvall )
- They all have bad cheap extensions
- They wear ugly fake nails
- Silicon boobs (not nice and proportionate )
- Tacky clothing (they have the ability to make Manolo Blahnik's look like cheap stripper shoes)
- Obsessed with celebrities
- Dying to get a spread in Playboy
- They have all at one time or the other worked as a "waitress" or "bartender" (one or two started out as a Nanny)
- And when talking shit behind there friends back, the only thing they can think of to say is.. "well, she's fat"
I LOVE IT!!!!!
Anna Anka kom ifrån Bjuv.. mina hemtrakter. USCH vilken hemsk människa & blåst brud!
ReplyDeleteI watched the show too on tv 3 online... it was hillarious! I can't beleive these women, how come they speak like that.. The woman whom was married to the rich real state guy, she sounded even dumb when she opened her mouth, what's that about? I will deff watch the other episodes, you just can't miss out on this. Right?