I went to the FAME premiere and after party last night, all the cast was there including Kelsey Grammar and Megan Mulally. We also got to see the whole cast and Naturu Naughton sing the Fame song.
But what a crap movie.
Do not waste your time watching this movie unless you are 16 or under. The casting was terrible, the pretty girl who all of the boys fight over was not so pretty, and I guess that would have been alright if she had at least had some presence or if there had been some chemistry between her and the boys but no.. it was o dead.
And the guy who wants to be a ballet dancer but fails.. oh my god that was bad. He is straight in all scenes but one, and all of a sudden he is trying to kill himself but there is no truth in any of it! So flat, And the Nr 1 dancing girl, damn, it was embarrassing seeing her dancing in front of the other dancers since they were clearly much better than her and had a presence that she did not even get close to having! THERE WHERE NO SPARKS AN NO FUN!!! And I blame it entirely on the Casting and the Director. The movie will probably make a lot of money just because its title is Fame, but it doesn't even get close to the original.. I am so disappointed.
But Naturi Naughton can certainly sing, and Asher Book certainly manage to charm me at the after party.. (I mean look at that picture..)
Another guy who tried but who wasn't as successful was Jesse Metcalfe, He wore ugly jeans.
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