- ah, all sweaty and full of sand and salt in our hair (and not entirely sober)
and she goes - But that's how we are!
This is also how we are.. could just as well have been me but I stole it from her blog:
It's been an eventful week, being thrown into to Hollywood stardom and just as sudden dumped on the wet London pavement having to wait patiently for the bus like everyone. Matt Damon's picture on a huge poster, I see a guy staring at it as he waits for the bus. Does he know? Does he have any idea I was just standing half a meter away from the guy on the giant poster with the perfect smile? That just a few moments ago I was a superstar? He does not. Tempted for a second to say something but realize how stupid that would make me sound, he would look at me like Im some crazy person and take a few steps away form me, maybe light a cigarette in pure desperation because he's afraid I might actually try and have a conversation with him. I walk past him, glance up at Matt Damon and Morgan Freeman, see Clint Eastwood's name up there too... I walk past and think...naa I'll keep this story for myself, it sound's better in my head than saying it out loud.
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