Slowly getting ready to go to The House of Blues, The You Know Who is playing a show there tonight, and some other bands and DJ's , it's also a benefit for Haiti.. Have a fever again so I'm not super excited about going out ut I am very excited about the show!
Just have to remember to set my alarm have to get up early , some guy is coming over to fix our broken toilet.. Tired of using the cat's litter box.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Armageddon in real life almost..
FINALLY IN BED! under my nice warm covers, with a kitten curled up next to me, Armageddon on the TV!
Damn this have been one of the longest days of my life! Raining and all.. did not want to get up this morning, out of coffee, Bits had to leave early, came back after a minute said she had a flat tire and i couldn't help her.. I suck, but I had to pick up Rob at 9.30am and drive him up to Bel Air, Heaps of water on the road, huge line at starbucks and then Bits called and said she was gonna try to get me on her roadside assistance in case anything would happen! That is a real friend! I was so moved my eyes teared up! Don't know what I would do without her right now!
Then I worked all day and it was a complete drag.. cold and hellish! And i was watching the news all day from the earthquake in Chile and the tsunami that was about to hit Hawaii.. and then they asked the seismologist where the damaged was worst and he said.. oh, in California, in Ventura.. weird! We are all a bit tensed now, pretty sure its gonna hit here soon!
Supposed to go to a b-day party tonight but i just went straight home and in to bed an here i'm staying! feel no need to leave the house what so ever.. and i have a meeting in Van Nuys tomorrow that i wanna be rested for.. oh and The You know Who show at House of blues.. tomorrow night.. benefit for Haiti do not miss angels..
much love as usual
Damn this have been one of the longest days of my life! Raining and all.. did not want to get up this morning, out of coffee, Bits had to leave early, came back after a minute said she had a flat tire and i couldn't help her.. I suck, but I had to pick up Rob at 9.30am and drive him up to Bel Air, Heaps of water on the road, huge line at starbucks and then Bits called and said she was gonna try to get me on her roadside assistance in case anything would happen! That is a real friend! I was so moved my eyes teared up! Don't know what I would do without her right now!
Then I worked all day and it was a complete drag.. cold and hellish! And i was watching the news all day from the earthquake in Chile and the tsunami that was about to hit Hawaii.. and then they asked the seismologist where the damaged was worst and he said.. oh, in California, in Ventura.. weird! We are all a bit tensed now, pretty sure its gonna hit here soon!
Supposed to go to a b-day party tonight but i just went straight home and in to bed an here i'm staying! feel no need to leave the house what so ever.. and i have a meeting in Van Nuys tomorrow that i wanna be rested for.. oh and The You know Who show at House of blues.. tomorrow night.. benefit for Haiti do not miss angels..
much love as usual
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So after some googeling from MGM (you know the one with the Lion that we love) they found my little blog and the posting about our "HOT TUB TIME MACHINE" video making..
So here is also what has happened the past couple of days..:
Saturday: Chau watched the trailer to the movie HOT TUB TIME MACHINE, Chau was inspired and started writing a song.
Sunday: THE YOU KNOW WHO (Matt and Chau) records the song.
Monday: THE YOU KNOW WHO feat. Jeremy, Jennifer, Olivia, Tomm shoots the music video in a Hot Tub in Laurel Canyon.
Then the rest is history.. The super nice boys and girls at MGM watched the video and they Loved it of course so they invited us to go to the Screening of the movie tonight! So we did!Free movie free drinks Nice people! I think all 700 people there had seen the music video..they even said they had been playing it in slow motion.. several times! FANTASTIC! I myself cant stop singing the song..
And the Movie was great! Great soundtrack except for that it was missing a song.. definitely a go see!!!! You Swedish people might not like it as much as the Americans but go see it anyway !
I made it to my Mercedes Benz audition by the way, Thanks to the best agent in the world, Lisa! Amazing! Fingers crossed..
Now im gonna go to bed and think about my next project and other ways to conquer the world!
And i will post the video here for ya'll to see.. tomorrow maybe!
First happens nothing then everything at all! Finally got some kind of job and was super happy about that, then my agent calls and says I have an audition for a Mercedes Benz commercial AT THE SAME TIME AS MY JOB! So that is what I dealt with yesterday, plus going to the Vet with the cat again and then a Birthday part at this amazing new Cuban place called La Descarga, It was really an experience..
We had to wait outside a small group of people and then we were all escorted up some narrow stairs and in to an office that really looked like a office in cuba from a Hollywood movie.. there this lovely lady girl, who also looked like she was from a movie cuba thing..jadi jadi told us about the two bars and the live show we were about to see, and then Dum dum da.. she opened the doors to the closet and there it was, the bar!. so cool! They have a cigar room and 78 different kinds of rum, a burlesque dancer that wasn't very impressive and a great Cuban music playing band playing a half standing base and singing mi corazone and such..
I had the best rum drink I have ever had, as seen above.. eyed some guy that was cute but avoided to talk to anyone due to just being way to tired!
We had to wait outside a small group of people and then we were all escorted up some narrow stairs and in to an office that really looked like a office in cuba from a Hollywood movie.. there this lovely lady girl, who also looked like she was from a movie cuba thing..jadi jadi told us about the two bars and the live show we were about to see, and then Dum dum da.. she opened the doors to the closet and there it was, the bar!. so cool! They have a cigar room and 78 different kinds of rum, a burlesque dancer that wasn't very impressive and a great Cuban music playing band playing a half standing base and singing mi corazone and such..
I had the best rum drink I have ever had, as seen above.. eyed some guy that was cute but avoided to talk to anyone due to just being way to tired!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
better almost
My shitty day got a little better with a little help from my friend who took me to dinner, fed me handburger and ice cream, A Jonas Brother that was cute (the married one), some music, some LOST and some American Idol. Sometimes a little bit of all of that is all you need..
Ring ring
Been waiting all day for a phone call that never came! Now Idon't know if i should scream and jump and kick and hit the wall or just shut my self off again and keep staring at the wall. Or maybe cry. That would be the easiest thing to do but I don't feel like it. I would love to leave the house to do something to get something else to think about but I can't do that either cause I have no money.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The you know who video shoot
off to shoot a music video for TYKW, best band in the worls, 80's theme and i'm out of hairspray so I hope Chau's got some for me when i get there so I can go crazy with my hair..
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Still in bed..
Watching Greys Anatomy and skype chatting with Sophie, I was gonna go for a walk but my i-pod id broken so i use betsy's but mean bets brought it with her when she left yesterday so No music no walk!
Instead I'm thinking about Johnny Rockets or Mel's Handburglers and milksheik and brownie and ice cream and a movie..
Instead I'm thinking about Johnny Rockets or Mel's Handburglers and milksheik and brownie and ice cream and a movie..
Good people good food!

And the company.. I really like Emilia and Daniel, so easy going, they are just great people! And great people are not the easiest to find in this city.. And Dhani so much fun, vivid and animated! And I'm a little jealous of Nati, she has had this blog war going on apparently, I would like to try it, so if anyone of you feel like writing something about me somewhere and then someone else could tip me off that so and so are talking shit about me, and we could just go all wild with lies and comments about each others length and weight and other important stuff..?? Hit me!
I woke up this morning to a picture that Chatie had sent me of all the snow back home.. I miss her so much! And I guess I will find out on Tuesday if i will see her soon, Tuesday pretty much determines whether ill be moving back to Sweden or not..
But i'm gonna try not to think about that today.. and instead try to decide if i should call my friends and go take a walk on the beach.. or just stay in bed.. what would you do?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
This will be a fantastic weekend!

And Betsy left this morning, so im on my own again, a couple of months ago i couldn't wait to get some alone time but now i just want company all the time.. so feel free to come on by..
Also I just wanna say hi to all of you dropping by from Finest, hope you are having a fantastic weekend back home.. try to enjoy the snow storm.. ha ha
See ya later Babes!
Friday, February 19, 2010
photo booth

I'm trying to look like Elsa, my cousin.. not really working, its amazing for how many hours i can entertain my self with photo booth.. its like a drug. Almost worse than facebook, or checking my blog stats..I was really trying to get ready to take the dog for a walk, but we decided that its too gray and cold outside and we were just gonna stay in bed for a little while.. a little while turned into almost the whole day,
but now i really have to go buy toothpaste.
Where is my IT tech when I need it?
Where did my side bar go? I hate computers, just wanted to change template.. help anyone?
I also wanna know if i should give the dog back or just pick up more dog food?
I also wanna know if i should give the dog back or just pick up more dog food?
i'm a nerd!

ha ha im such a nerd, this picture is from yesterday.. guess what im looking at.. not a hot guy or a cool car .. but a cute little dog.. lord help me!
Emilias blog again ( stole the picture from her..)!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Girl talk
Picked up Emilia today, she is finally back from spending a couple of months in SWE so i picked her up and took her to The Alcove in Loz Feliz for some lunch and girl talk. Had a really nice time, she is very much a girl of my liking, cute, funny, straight forward and bright! She is one of those that i've liked since the first time I met her, even though I must admit that I had expected something else, from what I had heard.. Girls just love to talk shit about each other don't they?! I'm no exception, but I'd like to think that I only talk shit about the one's that deserves it..
Anyway, where were I.. Emilia.. yeah, and then we decided to go strolling on Melrose and just waste some time, and the first people we ran into down at Melrose was Emilia's BF and his friend.. small world isn't it?
Then we ended up at The Village Idiot for a glass of wine and some more shit talking..
Almost froze to death on my way home, how in the hell did it get so cold all of a sudden? At home I whipped my whip and got Bee to order me some Mongolian barbecue and chocolate tart and ice cream.. good day all together!
read Emilias blog here
Anyway, where were I.. Emilia.. yeah, and then we decided to go strolling on Melrose and just waste some time, and the first people we ran into down at Melrose was Emilia's BF and his friend.. small world isn't it?
Then we ended up at The Village Idiot for a glass of wine and some more shit talking..
Almost froze to death on my way home, how in the hell did it get so cold all of a sudden? At home I whipped my whip and got Bee to order me some Mongolian barbecue and chocolate tart and ice cream.. good day all together!
read Emilias blog here
Talk of the week..

While watching the Olympic games opening ceremony on Friday night, Betsy, who is great at spotting new up coming trends, shouted out : Those mittens , amazing , fantastic, give me give me, need them, so smart so elegant, go CANADA!!!
And it took almost a whole week for the fashionistas to pick up on it, but now every blogger worth the name are writing about them, here seen on the hottest guy Sweden has to offer Lasse Anrell.. get them while they are hot!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Weekend re-cap
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