The aftermath of this storm.. Haiti, the beach and Matt's death.
What a dark rough start of the new year. Hopefully we can find some meaning in it all, maybe it is to make us stronger, or maybe, just to stop for a minute, a minute to think about what's important in life and what's not, and to send a thought to the people in our life's. To remember to show our appreciation and to be there for one another and maybe to realize that alone is not stronger..
I've been reading the facebook page that Betsy set up for Matt, it was suppose to serve as a easy way to inform everyone of what is going on, where to leave flowers, what to bring to the family, time for memorial service etc. but the members started pouring in, and so did the words. I have been reading and reading, Laughing and crying,I barely knew him, but the print he left with all of these people, all the memories they are sharing with each other, all so positive and funny, and they all talk about what an inspiration he's been, What a good friend, teacher, entertainer, musician he is,he was really truly loved for all the stuff that he brought to the table, for all of his craziness and brilliance. He seems to have made a difference in a lot of peoples life's.
And isn't that what it all is about? Is that not more important than anything? What you give, how you make other people feel? Especially in my world, this fast spinning egoistic gadget focused world that we live in, just stop to take the time to make someone laugh, or to be a shoulder to cry on, to give a hug when someones hurting or just had a rough day, to donate a minute of your time and some money to people in need, even if they are complete strangers, To see the people around you and to appreciate what you have right here right now.
Cause when it all comes down to it,It is about what you leave behind. Your footprint. does that make sense?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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