I told you a couple of weeks ago that I met Allie Mills who plays the mom in wonder years, of course that made me dream all day about Fred. The first big love of my life. He was so charming and so smart and I could not understand why he would be in love with Winnie, she was to tall and not pretty enough for him.. And I thought oh, if one day and one day only I would meet him I was sure I could convince him to fall in love with me instead, one of my arguments were that I was really good at building tree houses ( he had one in the back yard if you remember) . And today I finally got to meet him. And my heart actually skipped a beat and I got all giggly! And that silly big smile on my face came back..Fred has now grown up,he is a man. not necessarily a lot taller and you can still sense the presence of those dimples in his cheeks when he smiles.. and the spark in his eye's..
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