Pete and Josh decided that I was gonna start my day early, around 5.30 am.. Pete usually checks that I'm still breathing sometime during the night, this morning he brought Josh with him, but Josh is not the brightest cookie in the jar so instead of just putting his face close to mine he put his face in my face..cold nose.. I woke up with a gasp and that was the sign for play time apparently..
Oh and I just remembered I dream't about Christofer and that he had a miniature pet monkey that I had to look for and he was hiding in the closet, and my parents were watching a movie in his bed.. How weird.
I really wanted to go and see Lina today but that's not gonna happen..
Well Well, I mostly feel bad for you, cause its gonna be ANOTHER one of these I'm bored in my bed days and Ya'll know what I do then...
And at least one person seems to appreciate my brilliant idea.. http://wearebreathless.blogspot.com/
So there will be more of those coming your way!
Until then..
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