Thursday, August 20, 2009

Resident Evil

I have a audition for Resident Evil 4.
And that's great, but I'm so nervous! Not about the audition itself but the casting people are in Canada or somewhere so I am gonna have to tape my audition which is.. uh I can do that.. but then I have to somehow get that film into a format that I can email. That makes me nervous. And it all has to be done by Sunday 6pm. And someone that I know is gonna have to watch me doing this! I hate that, can not think of anything worse! So..
I need someone that I am comfortable with to film and read lines to me.. and it is weird, it is 4 weird action scenes, swimming and holding your breath.. so I thought : Lina, she will help me! Nope she is Santa Barbara. Betsy! No, Louisiana.. and everyone else would intimidate me to much!
And Lukas has to help me to get it in to email friendly format but he didn't understand what I was talking about!

And since I was at a shoot til 4am this morning, and had to get up at eight to print my sides and charge the camera, I am now sitting here, really tired, kind of feels like I have a hangover but I didn't drink anything, and can't really figure out or wrap my head around where to start. So instead I'm sitting here thinking about all the other things I am suppose to do today.. get a hair cut, wash my car, go to The Carney show tonight, when I know I cannot leave my house until I have put a good couple of hours in to this!Drinking coffee is not helping!



  1. That's AWESOME!! Hope you get the part hun... is it filmed in Canada? Maybe we finally can hang out ha ha ha. Im going to be in my friends movie tonight... independent stuff, fun but Im not really an actor so hope I don't make a fool of my self argh.....

  2. You will be fine! I don't know where the filming it but i will definitely swing by..

