Sat inside waiting for UPS to show up with my phone, watching Kendra re-runs all day..
Finally they got here around 3pm, Just as I was making myself some lunch.. I took my package and ran off to UPS to send it back.. and on my way home again, I figured I'd run some errands.. like grocery shopping, buying sneakers and.. Taking Lennart to the SPA.. He just loves getting pimped up, all shiny and nice, and he always run really fast afterward, I think he feels like a new born again..
And I love it too.. exept for the cherry car freshener they sprayed in him, and the fact that I can now see the scratch from a car hitting me that's been hiding underneath all the dirt..
Anyway, got home and felt pretty good about myself until Betsy informed me that I had left the house with the gas on the stove on.. Thank god she could feel the smell when she walked in.. I ALMOST KILLED THE CATS! poor fellows..
Think they hate me now..
SCARY!!! Det dar med gas spis kommer med bade nagativa och posetiva sidor. Dom e skit skona att laga mat pa men livsfarliga om det ar aldre modeller speciellt. Vi har en.. och the pilot light slacks ibland och man marker det inte forens man borjar kanna gas lukt. As labbigt juh!